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Norwegian ISP shuts down copper lines

    The future is in fiber-optic networks: Telenor showed the door to copper lines.

    What happened

    The Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor Norge announced the shutdown of copper networks. Their shutdown was made at the end of last year – as planned.

    The company confirmed the shutdown of copper networks in a press release , noting that the last voice call on this network was made on December 19, 2022.

    Dismantling of copper lines

    For the first time, Telenor announced its intention to abandon copper lines back in 2019. At that time, 900,000 subscribers were connected to these networks.

    At the time of the shutdown of copper networks, 37,000 subscribers still used communication services using this technology. True, all of them were clients of other providers who used Telenor’s infrastructure under the terms of contracts.

    Telenor is currently in the process of dismantling the out-of-service copper network equipment installed at approximately 4,500 sites.

    We previously reported that Ukrtelecom is also upgrading its own infrastructure, replacing copper cables with optical ones. The operator has already built new generation networks in Dnipro and Odessa .

    However, scientists from the University of Cambridge claim that copper telephone cable is capable of providing gigabit speeds.
