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What you need to know when renting a dedicated (dedicated) server?

    A dedicated server is a convenient, reliable and secure solution for creating your own website or deploying cloud software. On the Internet, you can find many articles about the characteristics of such remote computers. However, there are points that deserve special attention.

    Customization service for dedicated server

    It is not enough just to rent a server. You need to prepare it for a specific task. If you already have experience configuring remote computers, you can do all the necessary work yourself. But for beginners, it is better to order the appropriate service, which includes:

    • hardware optimization for the planned load level;
    • software installation;
    • operating system debugging;
    • mail server setup;
    • creating protection against DDoS and hacker attacks.

    Dedicated server administration

    Even a perfectly tuned secure server can be subjected to a powerful attack or run into a performance limit. There are also software failures that lead to the failure of certain functions.

    When it comes to a Linux server, administration will require serious technical skills and deep knowledge of the operating system. It is best to entrust this task to a professional. Payment for such a service is usually charged only when intervention is necessary. It can be billed per minute or hourly.

    Server rental in different countries

    Renting a server in Europe or the USA is considered the best option if you work with Western partners and clients. This reduces ping for them, speeds up loading and improves user experience.

    Server rental in Ukraine is an excellent offer for companies operating in the domestic market. It is cheaper, and Ukrainian data centers provide the same high quality of services as their foreign competitors.

    Server upgrade option

    As the company develops, it can expand its website and install additional software modules. Therefore, server rental should ideally be an adaptive service.

    A significant plus is the ability to replace computer components and install new parts. For example, you can install additional storage media and increase the amount of RAM. Switching to a server on Windows is also of great benefit – this operating system is much simpler and more convenient than Linux.

    How to choose the best offer for renting a dedicated server?

    When considering services from different companies, focus on price, specifications, and additional features such as physical location and the availability of professional administration services. One of the best server rental offers in Ukraine, the Netherlands and the USA can be found on the Deltahost website: . There are affordable pricing plans available that can be configured to suit your business needs.
