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UK launches first standalone 5G network

    Vodafone said they were the first to launch a standalone 5G network in the UK. The autonomous 5G network, unlike other versions of 5G, works regardless of the presence of the previous generation network – 4G. This is reported by RCR Wireless News .

    The operator claims that the launch of a standalone 5G network under the 5G Ultra brand provides access to the service for almost a million consumers. It also extends the battery life of subscriber devices by up to 25%, providing a more stable connection in busy areas and faster data transfer rates. The service is available in cities such as London, Manchester, Glasgow and Cardiff.

    Owners of the Samsung Galaxy S21 and S22 smartphones can join the 5G Ultra network, but other compatible devices are expected to appear in the future. One of the first major events where people can take advantage of the new offline 5G connectivity was the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament (June 26-July 16). In the territories where the tournament is held, the equipment installed on the masts of mobile networks, including those providing coverage for tennis courts and fan zones, was upgraded.

    The launch of the UK’s first standalone 5G network opens up new prospects for better mobile and data communications. Vodafone continues to innovate to provide its subscribers with a reliable and fast connection.
