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The record is broken: what is the speed of the fastest mobile Internet

    China has promised to launch 6G mobile internet everywhere by 2025. Currently, the Academy of Aerospace Science and Industry of China is conducting tests of a new generation network, foreign media reports. It seems that soon the wireless Internet will completely replace the wired one.

    The university built a prototype 6G tower with support for broadband communication at a frequency of 10 GHz. Bottom line: scientists managed to transfer data from one device to another at a speed of 100 Gbps. This is an absolute record for wireless mobile Internet.

    In China, they promise that when 6G is finalized and the technology reaches ordinary users, the sixth generation of wireless networks will provide lower latency – even less than fiber networks. Perhaps, after the release of 6G, it will be possible to say for sure that the wired Internet has sunk into oblivion. Especially after the mobile Internet reaches its maximum record capacity. For example, they will be able to transfer data at a speed of 1 Tbit/s.

    Fiber optics is still leading the way – the technology shows amazing data transmission capabilities. In particular, in June 2022, a “wire” record was set in Japan: the Japanese managed to transmit data at a speed of 1,000,000 Gbps. This is 100,000 times faster than today’s most powerful household tariffs.

    We believe in 6G. Where they are working on it

    According to GSMarena, South Korea announced in February 2023 that it would become the first country to provide 6G to its citizens. Experts said that 6G will be launched there by 2028.

    Meanwhile, China has recently made a more optimistic statement – it is planned to launch 6G in China in 3 years. In addition to China and South Korea, 6G is being developed in the USA. CNBC reported in March 2023 that 6G will be fully operational in the United States later than in Asian countries, namely by 2030. Unfortunately, it is not known when 6G Internet will start working in Ukraine.
