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Главная страница » The Cabinet of Ministers allocated UAH 48.2 million to RRT Concern for the development of digital broadcasting

The Cabinet of Ministers allocated UAH 48.2 million to RRT Concern for the development of digital broadcasting

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to allocate UAH 48.2 million to the Concern of Radio Broadcasting, Radio Communications and Television (CRRT) to support digital broadcasting.

    According to Order No. 1169 of December 22 , the government provides the administration of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection with funds in the amount of UAH 48,169,265.

    These funds are intended to ensure the following goals of the CRRT: UAH 24,554,820 are intended to ensure the sustainable functioning of digital television networks, and UAH 23,614,445 are funds to provide backup power to digital broadcasting facilities.

    This step is aimed at strengthening the digital broadcasting infrastructure in Ukraine and ensuring its uninterrupted operation. The funds are allocated as part of the government support strategy for the media and telecommunications sector to improve the quality and reliability of digital television broadcasting for the country’s citizens.

    The funding is aimed at developing the technical base and maintaining a high level of functionality of digital television networks, which will guarantee high-quality television broadcasting and access to information for citizens of Ukraine.
