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Portugal to ban Chinese companies from building national 5G network

    The Portuguese government plans to ban the use of Huawei equipment for the development of the national 5G network. The Portugal Resident writes about this , citing a document developed by the Portuguese Cybersecurity Council.

    The authors of the publications claim that the government is concerned about the safety of equipment manufactured by Huawei. Therefore, the developed document proposes to limit the use of high-risk components. In particular, the production of Huawei and a number of other companies.

    The government advises local network operators not to buy equipment for 5G stations from suppliers from countries outside the European Union, as well as those not belonging to NATO or the OECD.

    This decision will be a significant challenge for Huawei as it is the world’s leading provider of 5G network equipment. It will also have a huge impact on Portugal’s 5G rollout, as the country’s largest wireless carrier, Altice Portugal, previously signed an agreement to use Huawei equipment to build part of its 5G networks.

    Huawei expressed disappointment with the decision of the Portuguese government. At the same time, they announced their intention to cooperate with the Portuguese government in order to find ways to solve the problem. The company remains confident in its ability to meet safety requirements.

    Portugal’s move reflects growing global concern about the security of Huawei equipment and its potential vulnerability to Chinese spying.

    Several countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Japan, have already banned the use of Huawei equipment for the development of their 5G networks or have introduced certain restrictions.

    Should the ban go into effect, Portugal would join countries such as Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania that recently banned Huawei from building their 5G networks.

    So, summing up. Portugal is planning to ban the use of equipment made by Huawei for the development of its 5G network due to concerns about the equipment’s compliance with security criteria. Thus, the country joins a growing list of states taking similar measures against a Chinese company.
