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Orange Polska will soon start shutting down its 3G network

    Mobile operator Orange Polska announced that it will start shutting down the third generation network in Poland.

    In the second half of September, the operator’s 3G networks will be switched off in the following counties: Wieruszowski, Wieluński, Pajechanski, Zlotovski and partly in Piłski and Walecki.

    In October, 3G networks will stop working in the rest of the Pilski and Valecki counties, as well as in the following counties: Sieradski, Zdunskovolski, Laski, Poddębice, Czarnkowski-Trzcianecki, Chodziski, Obornicki and Wągrowiecki.

    Orange Polska also announced that 3G networks will be switched off in the next regions in 2024. And throughout the country, the networks of companies operating in this standard will stop working before the end of 2025.

    Older SIM cards can be exchanged for new ones free of charge at any Orange Polska customer service center.

    As of the end of last year, Orange Polska served 17.63 million SIM cards, of which 12.57 million were post-paid, 2.81 million individual Internet access customers (including 1.17 million fiber-optic Internet) and 2.57 million fixed-line telephone service users. connections.
