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Huawei and Ericsson enter into a long-term patent cross-licensing agreement

    An important step for the development of the telecommunications industry.

    Major players in the communications market, Huawei and Ericsson, announced the signing of an agreement on cross-licensing of patents. This step is intended to promote the further development of communication standards and improve the quality of technology.

    Wide range of standards

    The agreement between Huawei and Ericsson provides for the licensing of patents covering a wide range of standards such as 3GPP, ITU, IEEE and IETF, in particular for 3G, 4G and 5G mobile technologies . This will open the door for both companies to important innovations in the telecommunications industry.

    As part of the deal, Huawei and Ericsson also agreed to sell related network infrastructure and consumer devices. This will allow both companies to access each other’s proprietary standard technologies, facilitating mutual product improvement.

    Huawei and innovation

    Huawei has been a key player in the development of ICT standards over the past twenty years. In 2022, the company topped the list of applicants of the European Patent Organization, having filed more than 4,500 patent applications. This confirms the company’s commitment to technological innovation and industry development.

    Huawei, as the owner and developer of many patents, takes a balanced approach to licensing. This agreement reflects the company’s commitment to supporting and promoting innovation by providing and gaining access to key technologies.
