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Google is preparing to compete with ChatGPT

    Sundar Pichai promises that you’ll be able to “interact directly” with the company’s language models. Google is preparing to compete with OpenAI ChatGPT by letting people “interact directly” with its “new, most powerful language models as a search companion”

    That would be a big step for the company — since systems like ChatGPT and DALL-E have gone viral, Google — a company that has been  flexing its AI muscles for years  and doing tons of research in the field — hasn’t had a public response. to such instruments, some of which may threaten its core business.

    On today’s earnings call, Pichai talked about how the company plans to “unleash the incredible opportunities that AI provides,” saying the technology is “reaching an inflection point.” He also says that Google’s previous AI research helped create the “generative AI applications that you’re starting to see today.”

    As for its own apps, Pichai says the company has a lot planned for the next few months, something it’s been preparing for since “early last year.” Google says the first model people will be able to directly interact with is LaMDA, the company’s conversational AI model, though it’s not clear exactly what form it will take.

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    This wouldn’t be the first time someone outside the company has used it —  The Verge ‘s own  Victoria Song  showed off a writing app based on it last year  , and Google’s AI Test Kitchen  let people interact with it for a limited  time after they  passed through the waiting list  . But there’s never been a time when tons of Twitter users have been posting examples of what they’ve built with Google’s AI model, and people haven’t asked it to  write splash screens for their podcasts  or  homework essays  .

    With some people talking about how  ChatGPT could be used to replace Google search  (note: it’s not working very well at the moment for  many  reasons), I’m sure the company is feeling pressure to do something with all the AI ​​technology. has In fact,  Googlers are reportedly testing their own AI-powered chatbots that compete with  ChatGPT right now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the company did something similar with its current internal text-to-  image  or even  video tools  .

    It looks like Google may still take it slow and not give people carte blanche to do whatever they want. (No public company wants to  build another Tay  .) Pichai says he studies AI with a “deep sense of responsibility.” Later in the call, he said Google would be “cautious” and launch AI “more like lab features in some cases, beta features in some cases, and just slowly expand from there.”

    However, he believes that the market is ready for this type of product. Whether society can be like this remains an open question, but we’ve clearly seen people want to play with AI — and it looks like Google is ready to make its own version.
