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Главная страница » An American startup has for the first time established a connection between the Earth and an orbiting satellite via Bluetooth

An American startup has for the first time established a connection between the Earth and an orbiting satellite via Bluetooth

    The startup Hubble Network has tested the first Bluetooth connection between Earth and an orbiting satellite for the first time in history. In fact, it is a new step in the technological industry, which can open the door to connect millions of gadgets around the planet. With the help of new technology, owners of electronics will be able to get a connection from any point, writes Sat.Net .

    The Hubble Network managed to put two spacecraft into orbit, this happened back in March 2024 as part of the SpaceX Transporter-10 mission. During this time, the company tested the technology and confirmed the transmission of information on 3.5 mm Bluetooth chips from a distance exceeding 600 kilometers.

    Thus, the Hubble Network opened up access to Bluetooth connectivity via satellites. Primarily, this method can be applied to the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Modern gadgets in this segment are characterized by high energy consumption, not least due to the fact that they need to be connected to the network.

    With the help of a Bluetooth connection, the energy efficiency of such electronics can be increased. Also, the Hubble Network can provide a more stable connection for electronic devices.

    Hubble itself is positioning the technology for several industries, including smart collar gadgets for pets and children’s GPS watches, as well as tracking and controlling logistics chains. In addition to the technological field, the solution can be used in the medical field, agriculture, and the oil and gas industry.
