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A register of blocked sites – UAblocklist – appeared in Ukraine

    A new tool has appeared in Ukraine designed to ensure transparency in the area of ​​restricting access to web resources. The UAblocklist team announced the creation of an “open registry of all blocked sites” in order to provide public access to information about blocks and the reasons for them. This is reported by

    UAblocklist positions its project as a non-commercial initiative, which is the only open database containing information about all sites blocked in Ukraine. This register provides an opportunity for all interested parties, including ISPs, civil society activists and journalists, to study and analyze the restrictions applied to Internet resources in the country.

    Register of blocked sites - UAblocklist

    Currently, UAblocklist contains information about 1613 blocked resources. Users can sort this list by blocking status (blocked/unblocked), by the government authorities that decided to block, and choose the time period of blocking. In addition, the registry provides information about blocked IP addresses of sites and the potential date of their unblocking.

    The UAblocklist project also actively monitors changes in legislation related to Internet regulation and provides a convenient registry format for tracking the blocking of Internet resources. He also talks about interesting cases of restricting access to sites and the impact of sanctions on the availability of web resources on the Internet.
