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Главная страница » The Minister of Defense of Estonia spoke about the plans of the IT coalition: what is its purpose

The Minister of Defense of Estonia spoke about the plans of the IT coalition: what is its purpose

    In September, Estonia, Luxembourg and Ukraine formed an IT coalition, the purpose of which is to strengthen cyber security and support the armed forces.

    The Minister of Defense of Estonia, Hanno Pevkur, spoke about the first steps of the organization and its plans,   DOU reports .

    According to Hanno Pevkur, Luxembourg promised to provide 10 million dollars to support this project. At the same time, the organizers plan to involve even more states in the coalition.

    One of the first areas of focus is to improve communication at the battalion level in cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense. In addition, special attention is paid to data protection and its storage outside the country, known as data embassies.

    In the future, it is planned to create a special committee that will mediate between the Armed Forces and NATO regarding support and supplies. This body will be responsible for purchasing the necessary equipment and technologies to achieve the goals of the IT coalition.

    Pevkur noted that issues of security and guarantees for Ukraine are in the center of attention. Membership in NATO is the best guarantee of security for Ukraine, and the country should be ready to meet all the requirements for membership in the alliance.
