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6G-IA and ETSI are collaborating on 5G and 6G research in Europe

    Communication technologies continue to develop at full speed. The latest example of this is 5G technology, which is slowly gaining widespread adoption. However, this progress is not at the expected pace when it comes to applicability. Fortunately, there are some steps being taken to address this problem. Finally, the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation in network research.

    The European Industry Association for Smart Networks and 6G Services (6G-IA) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) have signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation in the field of 5G and 6G . 6G-IA focuses on “beyond 5G” (B5G) and 6G research. As well as pre-standardization activities, policy and regulatory issues, 5G and 6G frequency concepts, international collaboration and vertical engagement to shape next-generation industrial use cases.

    The main objective of 6G-IA is to promote European leadership in 5G evolution, 5G and SNS/6G research. As part of the agreement, 6G-IA will be involved in ETSI’s Research, Innovation and Standards Ecosystem (RISE) group, as well as ETSI’s Technology Radar (ETR) activity, which maps emerging technology areas.

    6G-IA and ETSI are working together to ensure that their research and standards for 5G and 6G are consistent with each other. They will also launch projects that will help define future networks. They will also share information with other groups focusing on 6G technology. The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU), a partnership between the European Commission and 6G-IA, is expected to launch the first phase of 5G/6G research projects in early 2021. These projects will play a key role in defining the next generation of networks.

    The ETSI Research Conference in early February will provide a platform for these new projects to present their goals and plans and exchange with standards experts on their standardization roadmaps.
